Emotional and Social Intelligence is today's survival of the fittest.
My belief is emotional and social intelligence changes people's lives and great leadership changes the world. My purpose is to help people and organizations get more of that to achieve more success with less stress. We all have good, bad and ugly. We have things about us that will lead to a life of happiness, satisfaction and success. We also have things about us that will hold us back, keep us insecure and stressed and sabotage our success if we aren't aware of them and we don't manage them.
Self-Awareness = Self-Management = Better Decisions, Results and Relationships
Regardless of professional role, when it comes to leadership, building and maintaining healthy relationships, having the confidence to achieve and maximizing our potential; everything comes down to how we think, act and react. To develop and make necessary changes to maximize our good and manage our bad and ugly, we must learn more about how we think, act and react. We do this through laying a foundation of emotional and social intelligence.
We Must Disrupt Our 90%
90% of our thought and behavior patterns are automatic and we deploy them with no active thinking.
We rely on our 90% for comfort, attention, success, protection and stress reduction.
Some of our 90% will contribute to healthy relationships, our esteem to achieve and our potential. Some of our 90% won't.
Our 90% doesn't care about our goals and success. It's objective is security and comfort now.
Many times our need for comfort leads to behaviors that actually hurt relationships, hold us back and cause more stress.
Our Needs Drive Our 90%
We have security needs. We deploy reliable thought and behavior patterns to help us meet our needs.
When needs are met we're more secure, comfortable, confident and focused.
When needs aren't met, we experience stress and insecurity; distracting us from relationships goals, potential and purpose.
Different people have different needs and different ways of thinking and behaving to help them meet their needs.
How one person thinks and behaves to meet their need may be in direct opposition of others' needs.
This lack of understanding of self and others leads to challenges that hurt relationships and distract from objectives.
WHY should you care?
Everything outlined above is a reality for your leaders and managers and it impacts how they lead, accomplish their goals, influence others, interact with others, get attention, get results, respond to conflict and reduce stress. If they don't understand themselves and others the results will be a crap shoot.
You need leaders and managers with high versatility. Versatility is how consistently a person is able to adapt their behavior to the needs of situations and interactions. This means they have self-awareness and self-management. They also understand others in a way that allows them to meet them where they are.
How I Can Help
I've been studying personal, professional and leadership development for for over 20 years and have been working with leaders and managers in a training and coaching capacity since 2005. My focus has been helping leaders and managers lead more confidently and competently by support them in developing greater emotional, social and leadership intelligence.
All of my programming starts with laying a strong foundation of emotional and social intelligence for my learners, leading to greater self-awareness, self-management, relationship capabilities and leadership. The goal is to support their growth into confident, versatile, resilient and effective leaders.
(click on each to learn more)
Emotional and Social Intelligence
If you would like to explore further, let's schedule a call. Complete the form below and I'll be in touch.